Actidiver Inmobiliaria · Alquiler de oficinas alcorcón - Alcorcón, Madrid

Dirección: C. Industrias, 4, 28923 Alcorcón, Madrid, España.
Teléfono: 916418363.
Página web:
Especialidades: Agencia inmobiliaria.
Otros datos de interés: Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 3 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 3.7/5.

Ubicación de Actidiver Inmobiliaria · Alquiler de oficinas alcorcón

Sure Here's the information you're looking for about Actidiver Inmobiliaria · Alquiler de oficinas alcorcón with the specified details:

Actidiver Inmobiliaria is a real estate agency located in Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain. The agency specializes in providing office rental services to its clients. With a focus on meeting the needs of businesses, Actidiver Inmobiliaria is a great choice for any company looking for a new location in the Alcorcón area.

The agency's physical address is C. Industrias, 4, 28923 Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain. It's conveniently located and easily accessible by public transportation. Additionally, the building has an entrance that is accessible for people in wheelchairs, making it an inclusive and welcoming space for all.

If you're interested in getting in touch with Actidiver Inmobiliaria, you can give them a call at 916418363. Their website,, is also a great resource for learning more about their services and viewing available office spaces.

As for their expertise, Actidiver Inmobiliaria is a well-established real estate agency with a strong reputation in the Alcorcón area. They have a deep understanding of the local market and can provide valuable insights and guidance to businesses looking to rent office space. Whether you're a small startup or a larger corporation, Actidiver Inmobiliaria can help you find the perfect location for your needs.

When it comes to opinions, Esta empresa tiene 3 valoraciones según Google My Business. and the opinion media is 3.7/5. This suggests that past clients have had generally positive experiences with the agency, and that they are a reliable and trustworthy choice for office rental services.

Overall, if you're looking for a new office space in Alcorcón, we highly recommend reaching out to Actidiver Inmobiliaria. Their expertise, convenient location, and inclusive facilities make them an ideal choice for any business. Be sure to check out their website and give them a call to learn more about what they can offer.
